Friday, January 15, 2021

Sauve- Lost in the Barrens (Chapters 11-19)

Each of us finds strength from within to stand as an individual. At times, we will need to rely on others to prosper and grow. Our reliance on others can come in support of our emotional, physical, and mental health. Awasin and Jamie have found the need for reliance. How has reliance made them successful on their journey? Who do you rely on in your life and how does this help you to be successful? Can you relate this type of reliance to others (people, movie, novel or story)?

**Please respond specifically back to another post made by a student.


  1. Jamie and Awasin rely on each other for mental, physical and emotional obstacles they have to go through to get through this hard time. Without each other it pains me to say they may not have come this far. Jamie and Awasin to an extend have become much closer being together in this way. Stranded in the barrens not knowing for certain they will survive. But together I believe they easily can do this. With both their experiences and expertise it truly benefits them.
    Someone I rely on for everything is definitely my equal, my twin, Chelsea. Chelsea has helped me through a lot, and I can tell her anything. She pushes me to be a better athlete, a better sister, and a better person. Recently because we are in grade 12, Chelsea has helped me make decisions for my future. Because we are so much a like she always knows if I will like or not like something. Having Chelsea helps me mentally, physically, and emotionally because she always knows what I need to hear. I guess being a twin definitely has its advantages.
    In the Avengers movies, each superhero has each their own line of expertise and strengths in battles that helps them work together to conquer the world. Working together through these crazy wars makes them smarter because they can bounce ideas off each other and use each one’s strengths where it’s needed and that’s how they are so successful in battles. They listen and use each other like Awasin and Jamie do through their long painful journey.

  2. Reliance has made Awasin and Jaime successful on their journey. Like Sierra said in her blog: “Without each other, they may not have come so far.” Like she also said: “They rely on each other for mental obstacles.” For one, when they had to kill the does or any other animal, Jaime can rely on Awasin to do that for him because it’s to hard for him. This was a mental thing for him because he didn’t think killing the mothers was right. It really helped. For Awasin, he can rely on Jaime to find things and tell him new facts that he may not know. For example, Jaime told Awasin the helmet and sword at the Stone House were from a Viking, which Awasin didn’t know about. They can rely on each other to help boost their attitudes and motivation to stay alive. They can rely on each other to help physically as well like how Awasin took care of Jaime’s leg. Since they rely on each other, they have gone so far on their journey.

    For me, I don’t rely on just one person, but I rely on my parents. My parents help me in more ways than one. They teach me new things every day. For example, when I was bullied for being too short, I could always rely on them to bring me back up from my lowest point. They’re the ones who helped me come to with my height by telling me that “people come in all kinds of shapes and sizes” and that “great things come in small packages”. I can also rely on them to help me physically. A few years ago, I had many problems with my body, more specifically my stomach. Every time I had an appointment, my mom would go with me and my dad would go out of his way to bring me to every single appointment, even if it was in Ottawa at CHEO. I can definitely rely on them for anything, without a question.

    I can relate this type of alliance to my grandma and grandpa. About a month ago, my grandpa had a couple heart attacks and had to go to the general hospital. It was one of the scariest times for the whole family since we’re really tight-knit. But, my grandma never had a doubt that she could rely on the doctors to make him feel better. While he was in Ottawa, he was very well taken care of. He also relied a lot on the doctors to make him better, and after they completed his open heart bypass surgery, he was able to go home a week and a half later. We are so glad that we and our grandparents were able to rely on the doctors like that. Since we were able to rely on them and we still rely on them, he is doing very well and feels so much better. Reliance can definitely be important in life.

    1. You're right Maya the boys use each other as motivation. They work hard for one another to be able to make it out alive. Relying on your parents truly is something to be grateful for. I rely on them too! I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. Optimism is a strength everyone needs through hard times. Like your grandma and especially these boys. Well said Maya!

  3. Awasin and Jamie are relying on each other in order to survive the winter in the barrens. They both have unique qualities. In chapter seventeen the boys begin to set up camp in the hidden valley. Jamie relies on Awasin’s knowledge and expertise of living in the wilderness while Awasin relies on Jamie’s inventiveness. As well as what Maya had said, they rely on each other to stay positive and motivate each other. Together, the boys bounce ideas off of each other and manage to create a log cabin that’s logs actually stand vertically instead of horizontally.
    Personally, I rely a lot on my mom and dad both. When I didn’t have my license my mom would drive me to work because she knew it was important for me to have my own source of income. I also rely on her to help me with personal stuff and know that she will always have my back. I rely on my dad to teach me about the farming and animal management side of things. He has taught me several things when it comes to horses, like what good conformation resembles and how to halter break colts.
    In the Black Donnellys, Jim relies on Johannah. After he had killed John Farrell, Jim went into hiding. While he was hiding Johannah had come up with the three candles rule. When three candles were lit it meant that some was visiting, and Jim couldn’t come to the house. Jim relied on Johannah to do this so that he wouldn’t be found and taken into custody. Many people think that having to rely on someone is a weakness but it is completely the opposite.

  4. Throughout the novel “Lost in The Barrens” Awasin and Jamie have both demonstrated that they share the ability to rely on each other, but also rely on themselves. Self-reliance is a very important trait to carry with you especially if you are in the situation the two boys are in. It is always important to make sure you can depend on yourself to get things done and to meet your own needs. In the chapters 11-19 the two boys have demonstrated that reliance has made their journey a success in various ways. For instance, in chapter 11 Jamie had to rely on Awasin to be able to go hunt on his own, for the reason being that Jamie’s leg was injured and he wasn’t able to go with Awasin. The outcome of this situation was that they both had fresh meet to cook and eat. In addition to this, they also relied on each other to be able to make shelter, catch food and create a form of warmth. The two boys relied on each other evenly which is why their journey was a success. Jamie and Awasin worked together, building a strong friendship and having trust in each other to be able to get through all the challenges they faced and to be able to continue on their way.

    In life, I tend to rely on myself, I have a hard time truly trusting people and letting people in. However, I do rely on my mom as well, she is my ultimate best friend, and I can always count on her to bring my spirits up when I am feeling down. As Liz had mentioned in her blog, I relied on my mom to drive me from place A to place B when I didn’t have my licenses, whether it be to a friend’s house or work. I can also relate to Liz when she said she can always talk to her mom about personal topics. The result of being a single mom with 4 girls in the house ultimately helped the bond we have with each other and the trust that was formed. Relying on myself and my mom has helped me be successful for a number of reasons. One being the ability to apply to college. If I wasn’t able to get things done and meet my own needs, I personally don’t think applying to the course I wanted, would’ve been an option. With the help of my mom, and knowing she will always give me feedback, whether it be negative or positive also made the ability to apply to the course I wanted to be successful.

    I can relate my type of reliance to the one Eleven and the chief have in the tv show “Stranger Things”. Eleven is a girl who was taken advantaged of when she was younger because of her special abilities she had. She later on gets taken in by the Chief for her safety, as she was being hunted and looked for. I can relate to this kind of reliance because Eleven didn’t just rely on the Chief to be able to keep her safe, she had to rely on herself that she would be able to keep him and her friends safe. The type of bond Eleven and the Chief had reminded me of the one me and mom have. No matter what happened Eleven was always able to count on the Chief to keep her safe and to keep the special bond they have going. Even though mine and Elevens stories are completely different, I can still connect with her story to a certain level.

  5. The boys found reliance in the novel by being there for each other all the time. The two really rely on each other from mental to physical health and they're friendship in my opinion just keeps flourishing, their bond just keeps growing as well they might as well be brothers. They benefit from each other because they both have skills that they may share or may not and teach each other, they're survival in the cold winter in the Barrens may not be easy but I know they can do it since they have one another. I agree with Mariessa's response stating “ Self-reliance is a very important trait to carry with you especially if you are in the situation the two boys are in.” that trait is very important to have and I think she worded it perfectly and it is straight foreword.

    I tend to rely on my mother and father both for different things and that’s what benefits me, I rely on my dad to teach me about things like cars and such and I wouldn’t know this much if he hadn't spent time showing me things like how to change oil or how to place parts on a car, also mentally I know if I'm not doing well I can talk to my mom and dad and I know they’ll be there for me, and I'm entirely grateful for them. I rely mostly on my mom because I am always with her whenever I needed a ride to work or to anywhere she would do it for me, and now that I have my license I offer the same for her like driving her to work and picking her up whenever she didn’t want to drive or just because I felt like doing that for her. So in my opinion yes, you can rely on someone else but it shouldn’t be one sided.

    So I can relate this to my dad and my brother they work together everyday of the week, they're basically glued to each other. So for example my brother has a landscaping company and sometimes one of his employees are sick or something had happened that they couldn’t come in, my brother knows he can really on our dad to have no problem with coming to fill in and help my brother out. So therefore vice versa if my dad has too much to do or he has too many clients he knows my brother will come help him with mechanics and wrapping/painting cars and such, they have a super strong bond and know they can rely on each other even not work related my brother always goes to my dad and vice versa with my dad going to him, so I think their father son friendship is very important and keeps flourishing like Jamie and Awasin.

  6. Awasin and Jamie had to learn how to rely on each other early on in the novel because they needed each other in order to survive on their own. The boys have to rely on each other every step of the way and even though they had a hard time at the beginning of the novel, the boys knew they had to start trusting and relying on each other. Awasin and Jamie have come a long way, using all the skills they have learn't from their father's and working together has brought the boys this far.

    In life I tend to rely on my friend and also myself, I have had to rely on many people during my life but on a I know that at the end of the day I can always rely on my friends to help me out. Of course my parent are people I can always rely on and I always have relied on them but as I have grown up, I haven't had to rely on them as often. I find reliance will always come and go with different people but I know that my parents as well as my close friends are people I know will always be there for me and they know that I will be there for them.

    I can relate this question to the show ''The 100''. When all the prisoners come down from the Ark to reinhabit earth, they all must rely on each other to survive, much like Awasin and Jamie. Throughout the show many reliance's are broken but in order to survive many of them always kept a strong a reliance that kept them alive. All of the 100 had different skills and they used all those skills to make sure they could stay alive.

    1. you're right, without having the experience from Awasin and Jamies families, they wouldn't have gotten this far.
      I think a majority of kids rely less on their parents with time, me too. Also I like the 100, good choice!

  7. Awasin and Jamie are very reliant on each other. We can see this through their journey how when one feels down the other tries to pick him back up. They are not only there for each other for emotional support but also physical, they help each other by splitting the workload and both working together. This is very important for them to keep this up because they are alone, they only have the company of one another. Like Liz mentioned Jamie relying on Awasin for his expertise and Awasin relying on Jamie for his inventiveness I feel like that is a big part in the story without those two abilities I do not believe they would necessarily survive.

    In my life I rely mostly on my grandparents. Even though my dad has always been there for me to help me with life’s struggles and challenges my grandparents are the ones who just tend to get to me more. I’m what’s known in my family as a hard head and they just seem to get through to me. My grandparents help me in so many ways but the biggest impact they have had on me is with their advice and guidance. They know exactly what to say and when to say this in a lot of ways this helped me with my mental health because I always knew that with what ever choices made good or bad, they would always be there in the end supporting me and with open arms in case I need a hug.

    The only movies I ever watch is horror and the only movie I’m able to make a connection with would be “House At The End Of The Street”. The son had been playing with his sister and she fell and died after her death the parents made him go by his sisters’ name and dress like her. In his teens he murdered his parents, everyone thought it was the daughter because he dressed like her and went by her name, so no one noticed the parents had said to everyone that he was living with his aunt at the time, no one figured anything about it. He ends up kidnapped girls and tranquilizing them and making believe in his head that it was his sister. Relying on the idea that the girl in his basement that he made believe was his sister motivated him to live his life and helped him with his trauma that his parents caused him at a young age.


  8. Throughout the novel Jamie and Awasin are reliant on each other. It shows by no matter what situation they get into in the end one of them is always there to pick the other one back up. You can see how they both help each other in mental and physical state as how Monica said. I’d say Awasin is more the brains in the duo and Jamie is just the go getter type, such as how Awasin always thinks before he does anything and by the time, he’s done thinking Jamie is already doing it. For example, when the boys spot the mound of stones and Jamie just went straight for it while Awasin stayed back.

    The one person I rely on is my mom. No matter what she is the only person in the whole world who I trust the most. I know parents are supposed to be disciplinarian and tell you from right and wrong, but they as well can be your friend. Such as my mom is to me. Shes the one person who knows everything about me and all my secrets. I know what ever situation I get myself into I can always rely on my mom that she will support me and guide me through the problem. Even though she might not like some choices Ive made, she was always there with open arms and helped me understand and solve the problem.

    I can relate this to the show Greys Anatomy, when they get into a plane crash and must rely on each other to help them survive. Just like how Awasin and Jamie must rely on each other to get through all the challenges they face. In Greys Anatomy they try everything they can to help each other and as well try to get the helicopters attention they don’t succeed and had to figure out how to keep alive during the cold night. Such as how Jamie and Awasin must build a shelter, find food, and never give up on each other because that is how they rely on themselves.

    Sydney Smith
    (Sydney's blog)

  9. Jamie and Awasin have had to rely on eachother for support. Without having eachother they wouldn’t have that person to help them mentally, physically and emotionally. Without reliance this journey would’ve been a breaking point for just one of them. Jamie and Awasin had to learn to rely on eachother as time went on in the barrens. There both very big believers in what they believe in. But at the end of the day they always have eachother to rely on no matter what happens.
    In my life, I rely more on myself than anyone else. I’ve always been taught to figure it out no matter how hard the situation is. I’ve grown up hearing the words “suck it up” when it’s a silly thing or something my parents knew I could do. This helped me grow up to know no matter what you can get through it by trying. I also rely on my parents. They help me be successful by pushing me too do things I have no motivation to accomplish.
    I can relate this type of reliance on my grandparents like Maya does. My grandparents have been farming since my mom and uncle were born. They have never stopped or taken a break. My grandpa and grandma rely greatly on each other. Recently my grandmother underwent cologne cancer surgery and all she was worried about was how my grandpa was at the barn without out her. The two of them may fight but without each other that barn wouldn’t be standing. Growing up watching them run the barn and all the crazy things they’ve gone through and always sticking it out together. It shows you hard work and relying on others helps in the long run.

  10. Reliance is a very significant theme in our class novel, “Lost in the Barrens”, written by Farley Mowat. Awaisin and Jamie demonstrate reliance time and time again in many different ways. For example, when Jamie hurt his leg, he could rely on Awaisin to take care of him at the same time as looking over the camp and their duties. As well as this, the boys could always rely on each other for comfort or to talk to when they are bored. This is because they were in their situation together so the only thing to do really was bond.

    I tend to rely on my parents a lot. Whenever my scoliosis was being treated at the hospital and I had to wear my back brace. I relied on them to drive me to Toronto and back for new braces, X-rays and various checkups. My mom also had to remind me of why I’m wearing the brace in the first place, as I’d often lose sight of that and want to take it off. I’m so grateful that they were so helpful during that stage in my life as, if they hadn’t been, I might’ve had to get surgery for not wearing my brace.

    I can relate my blog to the movie “Kung Fu Panda”. The movie starts with Po, a panda running a noodle shop with his dad, having a large interest in a group named the “Furious Five” dedicated to protecting the Valley of Peace with Kung Fu. Po has always loved Kung Fu and the Five, and tries to get a first hand view at one of the ceremonies for the Five. This results in him accidentally becoming a member of their group, despite him knowing nothing about Kung Fu. The rest of the movie is about how Po and the Five learn to tolerate one another and teach the ways of Kung Fu to him, and the eventual reliance on each other for support while fighting bad guys. The result is an un breakable bond.

  11. In the entire novel there’s always one constant. The brotherhood between Awasin and Jamie, they are always there for each other supporting and keeping one another alive. Weather they help each other mentally or physically or even just being there can make a world of a difference in giving each other hope, Like Monica wrote “When one feels down the other tries to pick him back up.” Of course, they got into some little conflict every blue moon or so, but once they dust settled, they were once again together stronger than ever.

    I relate to that a lot because me and my brother were very similar. We would be joined at the hip spending all day with each other maybe even for a couple days at a time, but eventually as most siblings do, we got annoyed at each other and had to try not to kill one another. And one thing I feared but never considered when I was mad or full of rage was the serious possibility of hurting him or getting hurt myself. And so once when were venting our frustrations out on each other, I swept out his legs from underneath him and pushed his upper body down, and he ended up hitting his head on the hard cold dirt and I stood there shocked for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity because I thought I had just killed my brother. He ended up with a mild concussion but once I knew he was ok we were stronger than ever.

    A movie that I think represents a strong bond between brothers is What’s eating gilbert grape. In the movie Gilbert Grape played by Johnny Depp takes care of his younger disabled brother Arnie Grape played by Leonardo DiCaprio. And Gilbert is caught in between his love life with his girlfriend and his responsibility towards Arnie and this causes Gilbert to be frustrated at Arnie but they always were the best of friends once the conflict passed, and more importantly Both Arnie and Gilbert learn a few things from each other and it reflects in their character development. And a little side note my bother would be Arnie.

    1. I agree with you Liam every time something would knock them down, they would get back up and fight on. Also, there brotherhood grew stronger as they went on and they never got sick of each other, and when they did have to go through obstacles, they already had an advantage just by being great friends.

  12. By Jordan

    Time after time, Jamie and Awasin prove to us how much they rely on each other and how much they need each other. The two boys would not have made it this far in their journey if they didn’t have each other. For instance, when they crashed the canoe they wouldn’t have survived if they didn’t have each other. Jamie needed Awasin to help him because he was injured.

    I’ve always relied on my dad no matter the situation. He is always there for me. I always rely on my dad when I buy things as he always has good advice. Or when something breaks, he always helps me out and is always willing to help me no matter what. We have similar interests so we rely on each other for advice.

    For me a movie that comes to mind would be the “Finest Hours”. In the movie, a boat breaks in two but the back half stays a float and part of the crew tries to use the life boat but the ships mechanic convinces them to stay and help run the boat on to shore. During this, they have to manually steer the ship and they have to rely on each other to steer the ship because if they make one mistake, they will miss the shore and the boat will sink. In life or death situations such as this, you need to be able to rely on someone.

  13. In the Novel Lost in the Barrens, Jamie and Awasin rely on each other. They are always there for each other no matter what the situation is, in chapter eleven Denikazi and the chipeweyans passed the boys while they were sleeping. The boys became very depressed and to get through the hard times they relied on each other. Such as what Jamie groves said about Jamies leg getting hurt he could rely on Awasin to help him get through the obstacles that laid ahead.
    The people I rely on most is my mother and father. They are my biggest support system, such as what Sydney said they will always be there for me when I need them and support me with anything I struggle with. My parents are as well my biggest role models and I look up to them, I've always known that they would help me with any situation I get myself into. As well as how Jamie and Awasin support each other and rely on them both.
    I can relate this blog to Trailer Park Boys. When Ricky, Julien and Bubbles rely on each other to help Bubbles get his business started up. They are each others support system just like how my parents are mine and Jamie and Awasin are each others. In the novel Jamie and Aawsin rely on each other to figure out a plan to help them stay safe and that is one of the biggest parts in this book and chapters.

  14. During the novel, Awasin and Jamie show just how reliant they are on one another, and the roles that they each play during their adventure. The two must trust each other an insane amount, to be able to fight to survive together. Although they are not too old, they must learn to live with each other and what consequences would come with their actions.

    For me personally, I must rely on plenty of people, just like how they rely on me. We must all work together to ensure whatever challenge or task needs to be done, gets done. Although I say I rely on all these people, the two people I rely on the most are my parents. Considering just about nothing would get done without them, I rely on my parents every single day even if were not together. Everything from food and clothes to organizing things and paying for things.

    One movie I can relate this same feeling to is Forrest Gump. Forrest lives with his mom until she passes away, but before that he relied on her for just about everything. Especially since his legs had a deformity he always listened to the advice she gave to deal with bullies and what not, and if it wasn’t his mom it was his friend Jenny.

  15. Without each other, Jamie and Awasin would not have been this successful on their journey. They help each other mentally, physically and emotionally whenever possible. Whether it be gaining back some lost confidence, helping each other when one is sick or hurt, or trying to bring some comfort to the dire situation they’re in, they wouldn’t be as successful without relying on one another. For example, when Jamie passes out Awasin does everything he can to stay awake and save his friend. Without each other it’s likely that they’d be dead.

    In my life I depend a lot on my friends and my pets. Anytime I’m feeling down I can always count on them to make me feel better. When in need of advice my friends always know what to say and they’re always there when I need help with something. Even simple things. I’m most productive when I am happy, and they really help me keep positive when I’m not. Without them, I’d never have a chance at success and be further away from it than I already am.

    In every sport there’s no way to be successful without relying on the other players. In soccer, the goalie relies on defense and forwards to make the goals and keep the ball in the field, but they also rely on the goalie to stop the ball from going into the net. If one player was missing, they wouldn’t have a game. They also need to be good as a team and making friends with the other players is ideal. In conclusion, the members have to rely on each other for success.

  16. Awasin and Jamie have been relying on each other for support, whether it be telling the other that everything is going to be fine or going out to hunt. Although Jamie can hunt, awasin does most of the hunting. Awasin also know the logistics like how long it will take to get to a certain place and really how to survive giving Jamie reassurances. The boys must rely on each other to make sure they make the right decisions whether that be when they left camp to go on their own or go to the great stone house although these may not be there best decision they learn and grow, later on they help each other by entertaining themselves when the winter was getting long, also when awasin leaves Jamie to go find help Jamie trusts awasin that help will go get help and come back to save him. Even if they end up running away.

    For me Ive depended on my mom and my friends a lot my friends are always there for me and anything that I need to get off my chest that I can't do elsewhere I tell my friends. They’ve gone through similar situations so I know I can trust them. Also just being able to have fun with them and let go of everything else helps a lot, people go through so much in their life that sometimes when they let go, they grow and become reliant. My mom, for me is everything, she keeps me on track with school and other stuff, she makes sure I think about the future and I depend on her a lot for that, she also feeds me and provides lots of things.

    In the movie the blind side Michael Oher relies on his new mother to keep him in school and to make sure he gives it his all, she would tell Michael that his team is his family and there relying on and him and vice versa. In football and in life people, your family are relying on you, to provide, and be a good teacher of life.

  17. I truly believe that Jamie and Awasin are the perfect example of a healthy friendship. Like Tamara mentioned in her blog, they help each other physically, mentally, emotionally and sometimes spiritually. Much like many healthy friendships, the boys do get in little disagreements and quarrels during their journey, but in the end, they end up solving their problems together. Even though they had some disputes, both would do anything for each other and will always be there for them, not matter which situation.

    Personally, I tend to rely on my family and friends but mostly my mother since she’s my family and my built-in best friend. No matter what happens, I know that she’ll there for me during all my hardships and successes with open arms. She handles all those situations quite well, and I hope that one day I'll handle it like her. She also knows that I'm always there for her as well, and that I always try my best to help her during tough times.

    You probably think that figure skating is a single person sport, but sometimes we are meant to be put into groups for several competitions or stages. With all that, it means that we must rely on one another to get the placing or the rank that we want. Maybe while we do a figure skating performance during a show, we need to rely on each other by holding each other to execute a specific move to finalize the performance. Several weeks before a competition or a show, our coaches make us do team building and relying exercises with each other to make sure that no matter what happens we know what to do for each other.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Human being are social creatures that seek companionship as they journey through life. Over the centuries, human have relied on others for emotional, physical , mental support and even survival. In the novel, “Lost on the Barrens”, the relationship better Awasin and Jamie show the importance of having the support of others when facing life’s challenges. As the two boys fight to survive, in the desolate North, they develop a unique bond that is essential for maintaining their well-being and survival. Throughout the novel, it becomes clear that each boy has unique cultural and life experiences that bring value to the other. Whether it involves navigating the wilds of the wilderness or fighting the demons of depression and fear, the two boys are able to share their unique wisdom and help each other. Awasin’s knowledge of the land, Jamie’s creative mind and both boy’s encouragement towards each other fuels their drive to keep going as they encounter setbacks on their journey . They are able to motivate each other to keep moving towards the goal of returning home alive.

    As I think of the relationships I have established throughout my life, I am able to see that all contributed to my well-being. It’s hard to pin point one relationship that I could clearly say was the most impactful, as each relationship has befitted me during a specific period of time. However, I do feel that at this particular time in my life, my relationship with my girlfriend has been of great importance. Over the past few months, my family life as I have known it, has went under dramatic changes. From dealing with the stress of a sick parent to the break-up of my family unit, I have experienced a roller coaster of emotions. Like Awasin and Jamie, I have fought the fear of the unknown and battled with feelings of despair and loneliness. However, it is the relationship with my girlfriend that has encouraged me to keep moving forward. I have often heard it said, “that behind every great man, there is a great women”, and I can certainly say that there is a great women supporting me. She has been their to listen, to encourage and to love when I felt as if nobody else was. Days when I felt like just giving up, she has been their to cheer me on. My struggles have taught me to empathize with others and because of this, I hope I can offer her the same type of support and companionship.

    When I think of the support offered by others, the show Friends comes to mind. The show is based on the lives of six friends as the face the day to day struggles of relationships and life. Whether it is getting over a breakup, losing a job, trying to adopt, or make peace within a parental relationship, the six friends support and encourage each other. It is this portrayal of friendship and life that made the show a huge success. We all want companionship and support; life is meant to be shared and enjoyed together – in both the good times and bad!

  20. In the novel the boys rely on each other of ten, when they had gone down the rapids and Jamie had broken his leg, he had to rely on Awasin to get food, supplies. When Jamie had shot 6 warning shot when they thought they had spotted Denakazis camp, but it only ended up being glare from a rock, Jamie was down on himself so Awasin was trying to lift his spirit and ensure they would find a way home. I don’t rely on anyone; I don’t expect anything from anyone because it's not something that is mandatory, and some people don’t know when it's necessary to try and talk to them and when to just let them be, that’s why I usually handle most problems myself without outside help because from experience it's not very useful help. -Matt

  21. They rely on each other when they feel it is over, when they feel the battle for life is over. They are always making each other hopeful in bad times. When I feel I need to rely on someone I got to my sister because she is 3 years older than I am, so she has been through what I am going through already. Sometimes things can get rough, and you feel like not getting up but the person you rely on can always help you because they have gone through it all ready. There is also always a second person you can rely on personally my dog is the second person I rely on she is always happy to see me in whatever circumstance she will be happy to see me.
